1964 Serro Scotty Hilander

1964 Serro Scotty Hilander

Monday, December 9, 2013

Some improvements done to my interior rear.

Howdy folks! It's me...Daryll. Daryll B. Aday. And yes there will! I'm feeling it in my bones now. You know some people may have took one look at me and thought I wasn't worth a hoot or a holler. I think I ended up in the right place though. I also think this 99 chic would fight a wild boar with a switch in the dark for me. It's colder than a well digger's bum up here in our neck of the woods, but we keep on a keeping on. Let me show ya'll a few things we got done to my rear area on the inside....

Here I am the way I arrived. My door had to be removed as well as the hinges and knob.
 I know I was looking about as sharp as a cue ball. 

 My right and left wheel well covers that also serve to hold up the bed when in the extended position. Note the aluminum trim has all been painted over. Also note my poor old floor! All this can be fixed up I told 99. I said "it's gonna be easier than herding chickens". She musta believed me cause she got right on into the fixin.

The lower piece of the door opening was all broken. So it was scraped and removed and a new piece of wood put in place. Then it was all painted!

Next my nicely painted door was reattached! The floor was redone using Armstrong tiles. 99 would have preferred to use VCT, but she tried that one winter and the floor was so cold they would not stick. You can beat a dead horse but it ain't gonna do ya no good. Course it won't hurt the horse none either. But there was no sense in making the same mistakes so we went with the best option.

Custom made oak trim was prepped and put in place lining the rear area nicely and giving it a little pizzazz. At least I reckon it sure do.

I still need the aluminum trim put on the well boxes. Theys a comin!

 Below is the wall that held up lampy. It had to be sanded it was so bad and then painted.

Here is a picture of lampy before...poor old thing just a hanging his head like that!

Here is lampy now! Full of sunshine and grace on a newly painted wall! Yippee aye yay cowboys and cowgirls! She's purtier than a mess of fried catfish now!

Now we might be riding a gravy train on biscuit wheels purt near half the time over here, but that's about to change. Yep, there'll be a day. Ya'll will see! 99 says you just got to be 10% smarter than the equipment your runnin'. That means about as much to me as a strawberry up a bear's butt...but it sounds good. We are a team  and together we are handier than the pocket on a shirt! Sometimes 99's got three speeds. On. Off. And don't push your luck. Me? I'm just happier than a tornado in a trailer park! Wait...not sure I like that saying...

Thanks for stopping by ya'll. I'll be back with more updates right soon. For now, I will leave you with this: 

"Be strong enough to stand alone.
 Be yourself enough to stand apart.
 But be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."

Goodnight everybody!
Daryll B. Aday

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