99 got into me and checked out all the important stuff. She was not overjoyed but not totally forlorn. Pictures say a thousand words so let me show you what she saw...
This is my dinette. I am missing my propane light that hung in the overhead cubby. No big deal. |
This is my rear area with the overhead bunk in the down position. |
Yep, still have my fridge and original hinges and handles! |
My fridge needs some loving! |
This is my bathroom/closet. |
Here is my kitchen! |
Original sink, faucet and stove. Also the little light under the cabinets too! |
My electric boxes. I run on fuses. P.S. glad 99's isn't too short! |
Flashback to 1964! |
I came with a spare tire! |
My original water tank! |
My previous owner had this redone. Moved my "lifter" over to the side because he said it was always in the way. |
Yep, I have some signs of age and previous leakatosis disease. At least I don't leak now! |
Newly done wiring. That's a plus! |
This wall will be replaced. No bones about it. |
Got my original light and this wall is okay. |
My heater is under that vent! |
Cool knob huh? |
So, according to 99 the back wall has to come off and be replaced. The curbside wall has to be replaced. The closet needs work. Everything needs fresh paint. All cupboard doors have to come off, all hinges and handles need polished, all aluminum interior trim has to be removed and paint removed and polished. Floor needs fixed, cushions need covered, curtains need to be made, and the list goes on and on and on....
In other words, multipy the mass of your patootie by the angle of the dangle and you will figure it out. You still with me? Okay.
Now, I am feeling good about this whole anticipation of a rejuvenation and for me it is quite a fascination. A lot has been done since these photos and I will share them very soon. 99 says sometimes you just have to close out the world and focus on the task at hand. The task being me I guess. Of course once in a while we get a visitor over here. Like the other day when 99 was scraping my floor and the neighbor came over and rapped on the window. I thought 99 was gonna lay down and die while clutching her heart with one hand and a scraper in the other. What a way to go she said. That lady scared the be'jesus out of her!
So, here we are doing our thing. We listen to the radio. That's cool. Been listening to country lately. 99 is tired of the same old tunes so she switches a lot. I'm good with that cuz I am a country boy. However, when this one comes on we kick it into high gear...
"They're the in crowd, we're the other ones
It's a different kind of cloth that we're cut from
We let our colors show, where the numbers ain't
With the paint where there ain't supposed to be paint
That's who we are
That's how we roll
The Outsiders, The Outsiders"
Yep, that's who we are and that's how we roll. We are the outsiders! That's me and my 99! We are kicking it out here outside in the driveway in this tiny one square mile town. That's how we roll!
Speaking of cloth. 99 has some carpet to cut tomorrow so I better hit the sack cause I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be one of last good weather days we are gonna see. Supposed to be down to 27 degrees by Sunday. Lots of stuff to pack in before that hits!
Just want to leave ya'll with this one last thought..
The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.
Make the best of whatever you got, no matter what it takes!
See ya'll real soon now!
Daryll B. Aday
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